Become the Total PT or Coach with the AMP Blueprint in 12-weeks

Learn the streamlined thought process and in-depth biomechanics that has helped over 150 coaches and clinicians worldwide improve their exercise selection, develop a principles-based framework, and be known for solving the most challenging cases.

All of The Details: The AMP Blueprint

Get the mentorship you were promised, but never got in this unique hybrid 1:1 and small group mentoring program for clinicians and coaches

1. Exclusive Weekly Recorded Content

  • Weekly modules with actionable content

  • Understand the foundational concepts & principles to be the complete clinician/coach

  • Develop an assessment process that will make your decision-making laser focused

  • Be able to implement the material right away

2. Live Small Group Coaching Sessions

  • 4 live coaching calls each week that are recorded

  • Review and discuss relevant foundational concepts and principles

  • Apply the information in real-time

  • Practice coaching, cueing, assessing, and all other aspects of working with clients

3. One on One Mentorship Sessions

  • 3 1:1 sessions with Shaun/the AMP Team to

    solve YOUR specific issues and ensure you grow quickly

  • Review your tough cases and get direct guidance

  • Problem-solve clinical and business issues, incorprating specifics into your practice, and more

  • Flexible scheduling for your convenience

**4.** New For You (Shhh don't tell past mentees)

  • Beyond Biomechanics LIVE on Zoom: The communication intensive for clinicians and coaches

  • The AMP Library: relevant resources, research articles, and recommended further readings/videos

5. Don't forget your FREE gift that you can keep forever

  • When you register you get the entire AMP library of courses for free

  • Full exercise tutorials telling you when and why to use each exercise

  • Exercise progression and modification library to optimize results

  • Over $2,000 in value

  • Over 30 hours of content from industry leaders in fitness and rehab

  • 28-day money back guarantee on the AMP Blueprint (see below). You keep this gift no matter what

Mentorship Curriculum

Weeks 1-4: Foundations & Fundamentals

  • A mental model for movement

  • General adaptation theory and the human stress pattern

  • Simplifying complex systems

  • Respiration, movement, and the dynamic rib cage

  • How skeletal shape and structure influences movement

  • Movement strategies of the upper thorax, scapula, and shoulder

  • Movement strategies of the pelvis, femur, and feet

Weeks 5-8: Application & Experimentation

  • Building a movement assessment

  • Understanding passive vs active range of motion

  • Using your assessment to optimize movement

  • Using respiration drills to maximize movement potential

  • Understanding gait and tissue loading for better exercise application

  • Progressing exercise from the ground up to optimize force production capabilities

  • Gains

Weeks 9-12: Implementation & Optimization

  • Optimize exercise selection based on client structure, presentation, and goals

  • Mastering the squat to optimize movement and force production

  • Mastering the hinge to optimize movement and force production

  • Upper body accessory lifts: presses & rows to optimize movement and force production

  • Lower body accessory lifts: split squats and staggered stance to optimize movement and force production

  • More Gains

What Our Mentees Are Saying

I Have THREE Guarantees For YOU

Frequently Asked Questions

When is the next registration period so I can sign up for the AMP Blueprint?

You can sign up and start anytime. Once you are registered, you will get access to all of the bonus material immediately and you will be able to start the actual Mentorship Program by the following Monday.

What if I can’t make all of the live group calls?

All of the group calls are recorded and uploaded to an exclusive part of the AMP Blueprint so that you can watch them at your own convenience. There is a short recap that summarizes each call so that you can watch the topics most relevant for you.

You can also submit any topics or questions prior to the call in your exclusive Slack channel so that you can get the question answered even if you cannot make it to the call live.

Can I sign up if I am a personal trainer or group fitness instructor?

Yes! About 40% of our mentees are fitness professionals/non-clinicians! The skillsets you will discover are designed to make you better and more efficient at working with human movement! This will set you apart from anyone in the health, wellnesss, and fitness space.

Check out the video testimonials on this page to hear what other trainers and fitness group instructors have to say!

What is the difference between the 1:1 and small group calls?

The 1:1 calls are designed to solve specific problems and answer questions specific to YOU! These are scheduled at your convenience with a member of the AMP Mentorship Team. Typical topics people use the 1:1 are: career advice, to practice coaching/getting coached on different exercises, to work through tough cases, to problem-solve business related issues, for help relating the information to the specific population you work with, etc. These can really be used for anything that will help give you the guidance you are looking for.

The small group calls are for practical application of the principles and framework. These calls are to make sure everyone is on the same page in terms of understanding important concepts and how to implement them. We use these calls to talk through clinical communication, exercise selection, interpreting assessments, coaching you through different exercises... everything is geared towards making sure you are 100% confident so that you can actually use the course materials to get your clients amazing results.

The AMP Mentorship Team has over 30 years of clinical and business experience so there is a lot we can help with!!!!

Is there really a 28-day full money back guarantee?

Yes - we have 3 guarantees, which you can find on this webpage. Here's the summary:

1. If you watch all of the modules, show up to 80% of the group calls, and reach out for 1:1 help and still don’t see results, I will give you your full investment back no questions asked. We've never had to do this FYI

2. You get lifetime support to ensure you are able to implement the AMP Blueprint for maximum results with your clients

3. If for some reason you do ask for a refund, you can keep all of the BONUS GIFTS even if you ask for a refund (that's a free gift of $2,000+ and 30+ hours of content)

How long do I have access to the course material? I like to go back and review things.

You have lifetime access to the course materials and we give you any updates we make to the mentorship materials. [If you can't tell we actually care about you and your personal & professional development! ;)]

What days and times are the live calls?

The group call schedule is:

Tuesday 12:00 PM EST

Wednesday 12:00 PM EST

Friday 12:00 PM EST

Saturday 9:00 AM EST

Have a question you don't see here?

Send me an email at [email protected] or DM me on instagram and I will personally answer within 24 hours.

AMP Blueprint Waitlist

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